6.0 Colonial Conditioning

 There is a number of existing Mars simulators such as the one in the Kennedy Space centre[1] or the one in the Gobi desert erected by China[2] which are designed as visitor centers. Some long duration simulation such as the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation, or HI-SEAS[3] operated by University of Hawaii and funded by NASA also exist. These are mostly set up for experimental purposes containing human lab rats.

Long term conditioning of humans is a much different process. Conditioning of the colonists as I am recommending is accomplished through the development of a different type of facility, a “colonist’s base” on Earth. [4] (MCE)

Independent development, testing, transportation and operation of any device, instrument package or crew for Martian exploration / colonization is expensive and time consuming. Spacex seems to be the leading organization in his regard and can speed up colonization by creating an earth based colony for infrastructure and technology testing and colonists training under Martian conditions.

SpaceX seems to be the only company with plans for space settlements[5] and could take a lead in all fields from development, testing and transportation through an earth based colonial environment.
