10.0 IPFO
IPFO refers to Interplanetary Flight Operations and it is this unit that coordinates and facilitates human and cargo transport to and from the colonies and work in tandem with both the colonial and Earth based management teams
Unlike Earth based aircraft, there is no in flight, ground based guidance so once the star ship leaves orbit, flight operational control transfers to the onboard flight crew.
SXIPF refers to the interplanetary transportation segment of the diagram.
Although there will likely be numerous businesses and governments with their own rocket platforms in the future, the most reliable platform is represented here. To facilitate the gateway concept and the sovereignty concept all platforms should be considered as being part of this single SXIPF block.
As noted in the previous post, the interplanetary flight laws are designed to ensure safe passage to and from a colonial planet including all flight operations.
There are many concepts currently in the development stage as to how best to approach interplanetary flight. Some recommend launch and travel while others recommend launch, stop at an orbital colony for refuel, then travel to the colony. Regardless of final decision, all such operations should be centrally managed under the IPFO mandate.
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