12.0 Summary

The design layout in this document ensures that businesses and the colony flourish within a structured and safe framework. Business profits are protected by the structure while the colonial development is ensured by the governance and laws administered by the security aspects of the plan.

While a “gold rush” scenario will ensue once IPF is readily available to both businesses and governments, that gold rush will not become chaotic and lawless. Sam Steele had the right concept in 1898 of managing the chaos through the application of fair administrative practices and security through the use of a large contingent of NWMP.

His regulation of the gold rush did not stop people from going to the gold fields but helped to ensure that everyone had equal opportunity and responsibility while applying laws to what was a lawless situation.

This plan mirrors that design as a managed gateway to the gold fields, not as a road block. I believe if left to their own devices, governments and businesses will create chaos once the planets start to open up for colonization and exploration unless there is a managed gateway.

This plan and planetary sovereignty is that gateway.

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Between Chaos and Triumph

Managing Interplanetary Colonialism

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