Common Bond

Sociologists define society as the people who interact in such a way as to share a common culture.

The cultural bond may be ethnic or racial, based on gender, or due to shared beliefs, values, and activities. The term society can also have a geographic meaning and refer to people who share a common culture in a particular location.[1]

When the terms culture and society first acquired their current meanings, most people in the world worked and lived in small groups in the same locale. In today's world of 6 billion people, these terms have lost some of their usefulness because increasing numbers of people interact and share resources globally.

This form of global community has been made more possible through technological advances in communication and access to world goods and services. In an IPC environment this “global community” model would be the best social or cultural scenario as common bond would be necessitated by the hostile environment.

On a colony world the costs of doing business will be very high and  permitting residents of one community (colony) to fail would be paramount to murder and also be counterproductive and not cost effective. The ROI would be lost.

Given those statements, common bond among colonists and operational business and government entities would be the societal norm.
