All in one

My space related papers from this blog can all be accessed in one PDF here:

Compilation of the blogs Papers on Space

Thoughts and considerations on Man’s near future in space will include:

Modification of the Human Condition - In Service to Interplanetary Flight and Settlement and Acclimation of the Human Species to Interplanetary Travel and Settlement

Interplanetary Settlement Governance and Sovereignty - Argument for Planetary Independence from Earth (and) Argument for the Creation of a Nation State of Mars on Earth

Lunar Base 1 - Getting there is easy; surviving there is more difficult, thriving there will be the challenge

Between Chaos and Triumph - Managing Planetary Settlement

J-PODS and Flat Packed Habitats - A Habitat Design Concept

Flight Control - A brief look

Society in the Age of Interplanetary Settlement - Developing and Building an Interplanetary Settlement Society and How It Will Affect Civilization on Earth

Settlement 1 - A brief look at conditions in the first settlement

Settlement Transportation - Fantasy v/s Reality

Interplanetary Time - A New Star Date

Mission Survivability - Exploring the use of Business Continuity Concepts as they would be applied to Mission Success in Interplanetary Travel and Settlement Development.

Off-World BCP - Analyzing the Risks in Settlement Living and Identifying Possible Solutions

Settlement Economies and Banking - What Form Should the Banking and Currency System Be In an Off-World Settlement or Society

Language of Space - The Primates Oration - How interplanetary / lunar settlement could evolve into a new language and its possible affect on languages on Earth 

Regional Space Laws - Applying Regional Designations to Space Law

Mars: A Second Home - Full Space Program Proposal & Mars Settlement Research Report from the Loyola Marymount University. My thoughts on this 88 page proposal
