* Regional Space Laws - 2 *
Our peaceful transition to becoming a space faring species is dependent upon our acceptance of a common set of space laws where all nations and other players abide by the same rules and regulations. This includes accepting the concept that one overall “agency” will govern space law and space activities. This concept has previously been promoted within this blog with the governing “agency” acting as common gateway rather than a road block. (See the model HERE)
This second series of posts is a continuation that concept and briefly addresses the lack of common upper limits of sovereign national air space, space flight crew certifications and training, governance of private actors in the launch activities related to space, and international regulation of the industry.
My previous post introduced two new regions of space for which specific laws should be written. The purpose of these new regions was to help us avoid conflicts and nationalistic expansionism in space and to provide a platform or framework for law applicable to well defined regions of space.
These two regions are still intended to fall within the general U.N. space laws covering our behavior in space while also providing well defined sovereignty boundaries. The U.N. space treaties were signed into being in October 1967 and are still relatively unchanged from that signing. Additional treaties have been signed along the way and they generally cover all of space.
This ALL approach works well until we actually start building on the moon or another planet.
Our human history is a mirror on human nature and all previous colonial efforts pursued either nationalistic goals or business profits, usually at the expense of others. For this reason, if we do not create a global, single entity charged with the responsibilities of ALL of our explorations and business and colonial efforts in space, the potential for nationalistic or business interests causing conflict is high. Such an “agency” would have to be a central “clearing house” for all space activities and be the sole governing body responsible for space law. Such an agency is also included in my colonial model.
The entire series of post within this blog are all geared towards the development of that one single model for space exploration and settlement. The acceptance in part or in whole of the concepts presented for consideration should help us go to space in a well governed manner. Assuming the global communities see the benefits of the two new defined regions, accept the concept of the colonial model and agree to recognize sovereign planets, then our venture into space should be a peaceful one.
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